About Aviation Mobile Learning

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Mobile learning is a type of learning in which the learner is not at fixed location or when the learner takes advantage of the mobile technologies while learning. Being somewhat similar to electronic learning, mobile learning is often confused with electronic learning but this should be made clear that both electronic and mobile learning are different from each other on the basis of one property known as ‘mobility’. For example if you are learning via a portable technology such as portable laptop, notebook, electronic pads etc. you are also at the same time doing mobile learning. But using desktop computers as a source of electronic learning will not make you a mobile learner.

In this modern era of technology where companies are focusing on making almost every technology, in daily life of a normal person, a portable technology, mobile learning is seeping inside our culture. This is in many ways better than the old classroom attending habit. In mobile learning, the person is allowed to set the time of class and the speed of class according to his requirement as most of the lectures delivered to the students, whether through electronic learning or mobile learning, are already recorded and the students is just supposed to listen and take notes from the video. There are some cases though where the classes are conducted by making a group of students and a teacher but these are now a day’s few and far between. Along with the flexibility of time of class, a 24 hours service is also provided to the students so that they can have their questions answered and queries clarified. The researches taken in field of mobile learning have shown that an increase in the exam score has been recorded after the introduction of electronic and mobile learning in lives of common student.

Aviation being a topic of creativity and innovation requires visual and audio aids and demonstrations. The requirement of this subject has been fulfilled by the electronic and mobile learning. Since this mobile learning has reduced the distance of several kilometers to a few clicks away, the student being in any part of the world can access the vast ocean of knowledge with the help of this technology. Having very less or in some times no cost of conversation, the use of mobile phones has also increased which support the technology of internet. Working throughout days and nights, the science has always tried its best to make the lives of average human being, more comfortable.

Read more about mobile safety app.

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