Know About Essential Aviation App

When a person travels by an airplane, they show utmost trust on the pilot who is in-charge. It is prime duty of a pilot to ensure the safety of all passengers traveling. Mobile safety app, free pilot app and free aviation app assist a pilot in flying better by providing top-notch safety training. Another aim of these apps is to make safety training available to all pilots at an affordable rate. Some important aviation app that are a must for all pilots whether novice or trained.

M-safety introduction module – The app is available on apple products. The introduction module offers a variety of features to train the budding pilots effectively. Unlink other boring courses that run for hours together to teach a simple thing, the m-safety introduction module is designed in such a way that the user finds it extremely easy to use and it  doesn’t stretch for hours. The modules are broken into short courses and after finishing each module the user is tested on the progress. The main purpose of this mobile safety app is that it guides pilots on decision making under tense circumstances, threat management, how to overcome fatigue during flying and error management.  The pilot can download this app for at a very cheap cost. It is the best aviation app available in the market today.

Fore Flight mobile aviation app – This free aviation app is essential for pilots to know the weather before flying, access to various airports in case of emergency, support for airways and maps. It also provides access to Terminal area charts. A pilot using this app can easily keep a track of the airplane’s position. One interesting feature of this free pilot app is that it even provides the fuel prices on a daily basis. It is the best free app available in the market and can be used only on apple devices.

Spin-a-wind app – After knowing the weather condition from fore flight mobile aviation app, this is the best aviation app available to determine the speed of the wind, speed of the air. The app will inform the pilot about the crosswind, headwind and tailwind so that they can make necessary decisions on whether to land on the runaway or not.

Nav Clock – The app correctly determines the temperature and humidity outside it is the best mobile safety app available today.The output is given in a way which even a 5th standard child can understand. Due to its cheap cost it is a hit among pilots. However, this app is designed for devices having iOS 6 and iPhone 5.

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